DURA’s Acronyms
Here at DURA, we use a lot of acronyms. And while they do save us a lot of characters, we want to make sure everything you need to know is spelled out nicely! So, ICYMI, here’s the breakdown of our common housing rehabilitation acronyms.
– EHR is DURA’s Emergency Home Repair Program, designed to address home repair problems that pose an immediate danger to the health and safety of low- to moderate-income Denver homeowners. Learn more about EHR here.
- – SFR is the Single Family Rehabilitation program, designed to help low to moderate-income Denver homeowners make their homes safe and livable for years to come. learn more here.
- – RHAMP stands for the Renter/Homeowner Access Modification Program. It’s DURA’s only program offered to both renters and homeowners, and grants up to $10,000 to assist Denver residents with qualifying disabilities to make accessibility modifications in and around their home. View all of the modifications RHAMP can help with by clicking here.
- – Other acronyms you may come across while working with DURA
- –HUD: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- –AMI: Area Median Income
- –DIY: Do it yourself
- –RENO: Renovation project
- –HVAC: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
- –FHA: Federal Housing Administration
- – And, last but not least, DURA stands for the Denver Urban Renewal Authority. Reach out to someone at DURA today to discuss our housing rehabilitation programs by calling 303-534-3872.