TIME: 1-2 hours

COST: $40

A leak in your bathroom or kitchen sink pipes can be a burden, especially if you are unable to quickly fix the problem. If you cannot identify the source of the leak, it is usually best to replace to pipes to avoid having the issue again. This process is relatively inexpensive and easy to do. Here are 10 easy steps to replace a leaky pipe:
- Place a bucket underneath the leaky pipes. You want to keep the area under your pipes as dry as possible.
- Turn off the water valves. It’s best to use nitrile or vinyl gloves for protection against contaminated drain water.
- Learn how the new pipes fit together. Before going to the supply store, be sure to take a picture to show how the pipes connect. Lay out the replacement pipes on the floor next to the sink to see how they will connect under the sink.
- Start removing old pipes. Start at the top and work your way down. Remove the tailpipe nut beneath the sink basket by turning it counterclockwise using pliers.
- Remove large nuts. Detach the large nut that secures the P-trap to the straight tailpipe leading from the sink basket into the trap. Place the pliers on the nut and turn it counterclockwise to loosen. Repeat the nut removal on the other end of the P-trap. Carefully dump the P-trap’s contents into the bucket.
- Finish removing pipes. Loosen the nut that holds the last pipe that leads into the waste lines in the wall or floor. Remove the pipe.
- Install new pipe. Insert the gasket for the new tailpipe atop the pipe and thread the new nut onto the pipe after the gasket. Tightly secure it by hand, then tighten it with the pliers.
- Tighten nut to P-trap. Place the nut and gasket onto the tailpipe before inserting the pipe’s end into the P-trap. Secure the P-trap in place and manually tighten the nut on the P-trap. Be sure you have the gasket between the nut and facing the P-trap’s threads.
- Connect last pipe. Connect the last pipe the same way you did for the tailpipe and P-trap. Make sure you’ve installed the gasket before adding the nut. Manually tighten the nut and then go back and tighten it with pliers.
- Final check. Turn the water back on. Fill the sink with water and pull the plug to check the drain for leaks.
You did it! No more leaky pipes!