
Meet Keyla Galindo, Loan Specialist

In her role at DURA, Keyla works with Housing Rehabilitation Program applicants, matching low-to-moderate-income Denver residents with grants and low-interest or no-interest loans for necessary and emergency home repairs.

As a Loan Specialist, Keyla is responsible for working directly with housing clients to ensure they meet program requirements and helps them navigate the program application process. Keyla previously served as a bilingual intake specialist, translating communications in English and Spanish between clients and DURA staff and helping potential clients apply for DURA assistance.

Tell us a little about your experience before DURA

Before I joined DURA, I worked at a Douglas County School District Charter school. It was an amazing experience, and I learned a lot about education and the families we served. I worked in the Admissions Department and my experience with enrollment helped me succeed in my current role at DURA because I was able to apply the same skills.

Why did you want to work at DURA?

I wanted to work for DURA because the staff I spoke with had great things to say about their experience and the organization’s mission. Right away it sounded like a meaningful place to work — a place I could affect positive change in Denver communities.

What are some of the biggest issues Housing Program applicants face?

One of the biggest issues our homeowners face is that they do not have home insurance, or a plan that will cover all the cost. Fortunately, the Emergency Home Repair Program can help ​homeowners that do not currently have insurance, but have a building emergency in their home. Our clients also face other obstacles like not having the means to make major home repairs that if not made, could affect their safety.

What are your experiences like working with DURA clients? How have DURA renovations increased these people’s quality of life?

My experience working with DURA clients has been great. It’s very fulfilling and heartwarming to hear how grateful and relieved our clients are after we’ve helped them through serious situations, like having broken pipes or sewer lines, damaged and leaky roofs, or being unable to get into their home because of accessibility issues. It’s rewarding to know we’re making a difference in their lives. I strongly believe the renovations we do significantly increase our client’s quality of life because it takes away stress and adds comfort and safety to their day-to-day lives.

Are there any misconceptions or reasons people are hesitant to apply? What’s your response to that?

Yes, there are misconceptions and hesitations that some of our clients have, which is understandable. One common misconception is that DURA directly lends the funds to the homeowner, and that they need to find a contractor themselves, but that’s not the case. We have DURA-approved contractors that we pay once the job has been completed.

I can sincerely say that if my family lived in Denver and needed this kind of help, I would recommend DURA — and that says a lot. If you live in Denver and are interested in our programs, but are hesitant and need to know more, please reach out to me or any one of my colleagues in the Housing Department at DURA — we’re here to help.

Call DURA now to speak with one of our housing program staff at 303-534-3872 or visit our Housing Rehabilitation homepage for more information.