
Ways to beat the heat

Keep cool and transform your home with these summer home improvement tips:

  • – Close curtains and blinds. Keep blinds and/or curtains closed on sunny days to keep your home cool and shaded.
  • – Cook smart. When possible, cook outside on a grill, use a microwave, or eat cold meals to reduce heat indoors from the stove or oven. If you do cook indoors, use a vent fan to move hot air outside, turn the oven off a few minutes before food is cooked to keep oven heat down, and cover pots to reduce indoor humidity.
  • – Turn off electronics. Even when not in use, electronics can still generate heat. Turn them off to help keep your house cool.
  • – Update weather stripping. Keep windows and doors closed on hot days to keep cool air inside. Repair gaps or replace weather stripping on windows and doors.
  • – Plan chores. Try to put off dishwasher cycles or running the washer/dryer until nighttime when it’s cooler. These machines generate humidity and heat which will only make hot days hotter inside your home.

Adapted from todayshomeowner.com